Can you find me in this picture? I am that small dot on the far left, in the corner ...... yeah, look a little harder ... yeah over there, left side.
What? You can't find me? Really?
Look again ...
Still can't find me? Are you blind? Nah, you're not ..... cause I am not there.
While in Athens this week I tried desperately to see the Acropolis. The first time I went I got a little lost and ended up being about 3 blocks away from it and not knowing it. So I tried a second time. That didn't go so well either. On the way home from teaching my wallet got stolen on the subway and instead of going up to the Acropolis I spent a few hours canceling my credit cards. (do you think someone was trying to tell me to clean out my wallet?:) Well, I didn't let that get me down and planned for one more shot yesterday.
I convinced my colleague Oliver to come with me even though he had seen the monument several times. I was happy he agreed to come as I was still a little gun-shy from my last wonderful experience on the subway. So the rush was on .... we got out of class, got a taxi, changed, got on the subway, and practically ran to the front gate of monument ....... it's 6:40 by now and just as we come up to the gate we see the sign. CLOSED! It closed at 6:00. I was crushed.

After I stomped around like a 2 year old for a few minutes .... I made the best of it. Oliver took a shot of me in front of the gate to the Acropolis to show just how close I was and although these pictures are not closeups, I think they are pretty great, even from behind the fence. And look there, I am even smiling.....

Since we got denied seeing the Acropolis and such... we walked around the big hill that it sits on. Almost everywhere on the hill there are fragments of old buildings, statues, columns and more. I started clicking pictures of all this stuff and Oliver just kinda laughed at me. He asked why I was taking pictures of all the Archaeological Garbage. Garbage? What? This was great stuff! I have to admit I was as happy as a clam. I didn't really know the difference and plus I was close enough to be able to touch it. Oooh, really old stuff, and I can touch it! COOOL!
Take a peek.....

I have to admit it did kinda seem like this stuff was discarded, just littered on the hill. It was weird. I kept thinking... shouldn't this stuff be in a museum? Could I take it home with me? What is stopping someone from selling this on Ebay? Maybe it is just laying around cause they have so much of it.... who knows but I'm telling ya... the next time you are in Athens do 2 things.... find out what time the Acropolis closes and get there before that time and check out the garbage.... it's definitely worth your time!