Here is your pre-warning... this blog is about reflection. :)
In a world where we have too much to do and too little time, where we have tons of information flying at us from all different directions: cell phones, tv, the internet, email. We often don't give anything our full attention....why? it's HARD, and simply, it takes a lot of energy.
I have now been in my Spanish class 2 weeks and the other day was talking with Jonathan and his friend about how present I have to be, how much attention I have to pay in my class.
To paint a picture, my class is completely taught in Spanish, if I miss a word or talk to my neighbor I can get completely lost. I hang on every word (whether I understand it or not) my teacher speaks. Paying this much attention makes a huge difference for me in my class. I know what is going on, I think I am learning faster, and it really makes the time fly by..... but what this reflection does is it makes me realize how I don't always do this in so many other places in my life. So today, I am taking the lesson the experience is giving me......and I am going to work at giving my full attention to other things and see if they turn out as well as my class.
I know exactly what you talking about! When I took a sign language class it was amazing how you could sit in “silent” room for an hour and leave exhausted, yet exhilarated from the experience. There are great rewards for being so engaged in something – it takes a lot of work to not get caught up in other things and turn ourselves “off”.
I totally agree with this! Working from home in a virtual environment,I find myself multi-tasking during conf. calls, phone calls, IM etc.. and not totally paying attention to what is being said. I have now made a commitment to turn away from the computer, unless needed for the call, and completely engage in what is going on. Funny, i came to this realization as I was on a conf. call reading this blog. How ironic.
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