Just how often do you have a $50 bill in your pocket? Hmmmmmmm maybe when you go on vacation? Or if you actually walk into a bank and ask for one?
What about when you wanted to spend it? You have to think twice about where you can use it cause sometimes there is that sign that says "We don't take bills larger than $20." Then what do you do? Well, I had a $50 bill recently and I felt like such a high roller!!!! Wow! $50 bucks in my pocket, I AM RICH!!!!
Well for some reason the whole concept of "I'm Rich!" just doesn't translate over here in Spain for me..... I went to the ATM the other day to get out 300 Euro and they give me 20o Euro in 50's and 100 Euro in 20's and 10's. You would think I would have the same reaction to Euros as I did to the $50... but NO! It is the weirdest thing. Euros are like Monopoly money to Jonathan and I. We shove the bills in pockets, leave them on the counter, toss them in my purse... and this doesn't make any sense because 50 Euro is like $75 dollars! You would think I would even feel more RICH! But it just isn't the case. I actually apologized to a woman yesterday when I bought something for 1 Euro and I only had a 50 Euro bill to pay with......

Could this phenomenon be the reason why we spend so much money on vacation in other countries? Cause the money doesn't seem "real"? It just feels like we are laying down some cash to purchase Park Place or Baltic Avenue? Anyway, it just astounds me.... to fix the problem I might just have to buy a monopoly game to start to change my reaction to Euros. :)
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