Eating in Girona has been an adventure, (at least for me) as most of you know I am a little squeamish when it comes to eating new things. Jonathan has been a great balance for me and has actually gotten me to try quite a few things that I probably would never have touched if it weren't for him. I am big into how how something looks... if it looks gross to me it is a definite appetite killer, smells weird? appettite killer. I could never have been on Fear Factor because during the part of the show where they eat weird things I would have had to quit. Needless to say (thanks to Jonathan) I am more open to trying new things.... so on to the story for the day. While I was out running errands yesterday doing things like getting our NIE numbers (something like a social security number) and registering for school (I start on Monday and yes even after 6 years of Spanish in Jr. High and High School I am starting in Level 1 which is a little saddening, Sorry Mom and Dad :)
I digress, so while I was out walking the city I kept walking by pastry shops and seeing this bread I had never seen before, it was oval shaped, sprinkled with sugar, pine nuts and something else that looked either like sausage or brown sugar.

It was interesting, even after tasting it I still couldn't figure out what the "brown" stuff was on top... so I just ate around it. I didn't eat the whole thing and at the end of the day I was telling Jonathan about the bread and I got it out, he tasted it and he couldn't figure out what the brown stuff was either. So when our current roommate Yvette got home (we are all still looking for apartments and think we have found one but we will tell you about that later) and I asked her what kind of bread it was....... She told me she had almost ordered some this morning at the bakery but then she asked the lady behind the counter what it was and she told her it was bread with Pig Skin on it. The brown stuff was Pig Skin, yeah just say it again, Pig Skin. This may have an effect on my eating going forward......
Okay, I have to admit that I was someone engrossed in your story. It was amusing, and entertaining, and captivating.... wondering what was the brown stuff on top?? Until you figured it out. Gross. Pig Skin? So are you saying that you now have pig skin breath? Well, I can look past that and say....good for you for trying something new... even though you didn't know what it was!
mmmm pigskin, we used to fight over the crispy parts after sunday lunch when I was a kid, really, sounds gross but it's sooo good!!! Keep up the blog, it's good to hear of your adventures. Get Johnny to email me his paypal account...his stuff's breaking record's on Ebay!!!
We need more photos!!!
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