Wow! A lot can happen in one year!
Move back from Spain, get married, adopt a puppy, turn 40 and then.... have a baby!
I was just telling Jonathan the other day that I have had enough "BIG" things happen this year so let's slow things down.
Our newest arrival announced himself in the middle of the night on 7.24.09 a little more than 2 weeks early. I woke up to some back pain and then figured out soon after my water had broken. 22 1/2 hours later we got the best present in the whole world a healthy baby boy.
Taylor Frazer Coln arrived on 7.25.09 at 1:36 am, weighing in at 7.1 lbs and 20 inches long. The hilarity has already begun and it is only Day 3. We will post lots of fun pictures and stories over the coming months.
Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.